We offer free returns within 5 days from the date of delivery. You can return your product for a refund to the original payment method, or exchange it for a different product. To be eligible for a return the product must be unused and must have no visible signs of wear or use. Returned items must have tags still on. After we receieve your item, our team of professionals will inspect it and process your refund/exchange immediately once approved. It may take 5-7 Business days for your refund to be processed. COD orders returned, once approved, will be refunded to the payment gateway of your choice, however, COD collection charges are non refundable. To avoid any hassle during a return, please take a picture of the product while handing over to the courier partner. Discounted items are final and cannot be returned or exchanged. For any further enquiries, reach out to our customer service team or email us at contact@bodyconcept.in.